hey guys,
Being obsessive about romance, and seeing as that is what my blog is about, well here is romance, enjoy and please give me feed back at onyinye.mbala@Gmail.com... I like to think I'm a good writer, but I would love your criticism..

Puberty was a blessing to me I filled out nicely, with the ample bosom, that is the trademark of every African lady, and I turned a lot of eyes.. I mean few African men don't get distracted by ass.. I felt well I could have every guy I wanted, and a part of me still feels my mom noticed what I was becoming and how I took it and used it to my advantage, but even if she did I guess she wanted me to learn my lesson. At this time I was 14 and I had this cute neighbour, I think he was 16 at the time. he was in one word, what most girls would call "beauty". Hell I even saw it too.. but with my pride and attitude I felt he wasn't all that..

I'm just going to call him Ted. He was a friend of my brother's and was my arch-enemy. He would tease me soo much that I even started having dreams of killing him... it was that bad.. I remember this one time there was this cute guy in my estate and I was talking to him and Ted just came to us and started saying really annoying stuff to me and he called my brother out, and I must say my brother is the over-protective type. My brother chased my cute guy away, and I mean literally, like down the road, and screamed at me for putting myself out there for guys... Thinking about all of this right now I'm just like I was fucking 14, people don't even have social lives at that age, at least that was what my brother felt. Being the devilish bastard I was, I got back at Ted in the most vicious way I could think of... I ended his relationship with his girlfriend. He was mad at me for like weeks and then we got back to our normal teasing.

I did not realise that we were in the same grade till he switched schools and came to my boarding school. Did I forget to mention that ted was hot at 16... Well he was, every girl wanted him and he knew it.... He made my life soo miserable and I returned the favour, one time he was eating in the cafeteria and I poured my cup of water on him and he almost beat the crap out of me... and believe me I was soo fucking scared but you know man gatts save face, so I pretended like I wasn't even moved by his anger... Ted just walked away, and I thought he did not touch me out of respect for my brother.. but he was angry again for a long time, but being Ted, we went to our normal teasing, and it went on till graduation, and he left for Australia. The thing is, I loved Ted although I would have rather died than tell him that.... I loved him soo much and the fact that he left without saying goodbye hurt me soo bad, I mean this was a guy that I loved and he didn't love me back. It just made me feel like the power that I felt I "wielded'' over the male gender was in fact only in my imagination.

Anyway, I also did some travelling, and I went back home for the summer, and I was expecting Ted to be there, but he wasn't..... Through out the summer I did nothing but go to the beach, to his favourite spot, in anticipation that he would find me there, but he never came... I pined for him and cursed him for not coming back to see me.... Although it was not really my place to do so... I got bored going to the beach everyday, so I worked in my mom's boutique.... One rainy morning, while I cursed my decision to work for my mom, which meant that regardless of who you are you had to report for work at 7:30... I mean do people still wake up at that time.... while I was swearing and being angry, I heard a familiar chuckle, it was that of my brother's... I hadn't seen this fool in a long while and I was soo happy; I jumped on him while he caught me and spun me around.... A familiar voice then said, 'if only I could get that enthusiasm from you'.... It was him, Ted, he still had that same smile same face although he had grown taller and those shoulders were breathtaking...

My mum saw my brother and they went off to catch up, leaving Ted and I alone.. He just kept staring at me and I felt uncomfortable, so I thumped him, it was bad enough that he left without a goodbye, but was making me feel weird and I did not like that.. He just smiled and as usual I was speechless for some seconds although I recovered quickly, to ask him why he left without saying goodbye. He then asked me if we were friends at the time... The statement hurt and I think he knew that because he suddenly grabbed me into his arms and kissed me, and I felt the way I felt in all those dreams that I had featuring him. When he stopped he looked at me, as though he wanted more than a kiss, but he did not want to overstep any boundaries...

When Ted told me he wanted to marry me, I was shocked.... and I refused, and my reasons being:

  • he was not in love with me
  • he hated me and I hated him
  • it was the second day of his return
  • we argued half the time
  • I was certain he was not in love with me...
I was scared of being in a marriage that was loveless and filled with arguments which I knew was bound to happen. Ted threw me off balance by saying that he fell in love with me when we first moved into the house when I was 7 and he was 9. he loved me soo bad that he pestered his parents to switch schools so he could see me everyday... he loved me soo much that he fought with my brother, his best bud by the way, over me, which made it impossible to ask me out. he loved me so much that for every St. Valentine's Day in school, he would send me flowers and candy, but make it seem like it was from the boy I showed interest in, so that I wouldn't feel bad because the boy never did like me. he loved me to the extent that he couldn't bear life without seeing me. he loved me so much that he quit his job and his life in Australia to come back and look for me.... which I thought was pretty a silly reason seeing as he owned his company...

Anyway, I'm in this big room filled with people and beside me is the man I love, lets just say I agreed to marry him, I mean I can't get old without a husband right?? I'm kidding, I love my Ted soo much and yeah we got married and I cant wait for the honeymoon... Oh yeah, I finally figured out why he didn't hit me in school and also why he totally cockblocked me from that random guy cutie from my estate.. yeah well you probably figured it out too... I love him so much and I cant wait to win every argument by seducing him... it's going to be fun....x

this is all I can think of right now... have a great day guys..:)


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