We met as kids, i was the shy kid, and you, the boy who couldn't wait to get dirty
For a weird reason we connected
I would always tell you about my wish to be a lawyer
You would laugh about it and tell me it was stupid but i should go for it
You were always so carefree and creative
Someone who flowed with life, one who wondered without motive
While i focused on what i thought i wanted

I met him, in high school.
The one whom i thought was the one
In him i saw creativity, in him i saw you.
He made me laugh, he made me groan with frustration, he made me love, just like you did.

I also met him in university, i was very sure he was the one
God knows he even has your smile
Your ability to make me believe that life was a roller coaster
The ability to make me unwind and just live in the moment.

The funny thing is i don't know why these relationships ended
But all i know is that in all these men i saw you.
The impression of you still fresh in my memory
The image of you in that coffin
Just lying there, cold and lifeless
I could swear that it was just yesterday
We were sitting in the front porch of my house laughing and playing with puppets

But i guess i'm stuck with just wishing it was you instead of all these men
Old habits die hard though.
Hanging out with you is an old habit i don't intend to let go.
So i guess wherever you are
You're stuck with me
Although we'll never see each other again

Its just hard to say good bye to a friend, a would have been lover /boyfriend.
I'm still finding it hard to grasp that you are gone although its been sixteen years
All these men can wait
Today a woman mourns her dead love.
That woman mourns the beautiful union that would have been
 Today with grief in her heart
she mourns the beautiful love that she once had


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