I remember when I was drained emotionally and psychologically on Friday, the beginning of thanksgiving weekend, anticipating a loooong boring weekend watching romantic movies and eating ice-cream, lamenting over the fact that everybody else has a life and I don't. but trust that was soo not how this weekend went.

On Saturday, I woke up and realised I had some shopping to do so went to the south keys after making myself look like I was bearing the weight of the world all by myself.. I was at Wal-Mart and I saw a few friends... before I could finish exchanging pleasantries, well lets just say I was overwhelmed and didn't know the particular point at which I agreed to spend the weekend downtown. forget the way I'm making it seem boring... it was the exact opposite..... my friends are loud and we can conclude that my weekend was a pretty loud one..

for dinner on Saturday I made some beautiful pasta thing that I invented as usual...;) and it took hours to finish so by the time we were done all we did was eat and sleep.... but I skipped out on all the fun parts...as we returned from Wal-Mart we saw beautiful boys and when I see something beautiful, I gotta say it.... so I screamed at the top of my voice "hey cutie!" and they all turned and me and my friends just smiled and waved ..... they got on the train with us and they would look at us and try to avert their eyes...to cut the story short, my friend Vicky who is soo forward by the way went up to them and started a conversation

they all loosened up and were laughing. they seemed to be having fun so I was working up the nerve to join in the fun since I am up for anything that spells Romance. that was when she came back and says "don't even bother guys they're kids". being the youngest out of all my friends I still didn't care so I asked "how old" and she said they were 16...

why exactly do the good-looking guys have to be too young or douchebags or homosexual... I mean normal sexy beautiful guys that look like God set a special day aside to create them, or look like beautifying fairy dust and magic and enchantment whatever was sprinkled on them, are sooo hard to find these days.

anyway back to my story, so that was it for our fun... oh and unless you count making everyone on the bus join in on our conversation, I mean that was the highlight of my Saturday evening because on the bus we were having this really loud conversation, until old guy finally said and I quote "would you all quit talking about these girls marriages, they are just kids, what the fuck are they doing getting married"... oh yeah I forgot to say, we were talking buying or renting a wedding dress.. being the wedding crazed maniac that I am, lets just say I took that argument pretty serious. on Sunday morning I woke up late, so thanksgiving service was out of the question, but being the religious person I am, I went to an evening service...

 anyway I spent my time trying a new dish.... roast duck, with pasta for stuffing and fried rice... the pasta and the rice came out pretty nice but my beautiful baby refused to get done... I mean the duck :( anyway way I had to finally cut the duck into different pieces cuz I couldn't wait any longer and there....

on Monday I did absolutely nothing... actually I went to dunni's thanks giving dinner.... it is actually refreshing to see boys who can cook, well. anyway they had a proper roast turkey and it was delicious by the way, but I was soo full. I met new people.... tolu bimpe tunu dave cassie ... that's all I can remember.... it was a battle not to fall asleep.... don't get me wrong it was funnn but man was tired now.... my body was complaining... we played games and talked about things ranging from sexual escapades to the white house to being single to American politics to buses in Ottawa and Toronto..... it was the most random discussion I had ever seen. I just found out today that people knew Obama's address...

it was a beautiful weekend and I couldn't wish for any better, I guess... I mean there are things you certainly don't see every day, Vicky cursing in three languages when she burnt her fingers on the stove... that was priceless... or even listening to exhilarating conversations about 50 shades of grey, gay actors, or even the talent Asian girls seem to have, of always looking cute even if its obvious their closet vomited on them. it was something I'm definitely sad is over and I wish to experience again... well dreaming is over and my harsh reality is the fact that I have three mother-fucking essays due next week.... superwoman mode activated....;)  G'night y'all, hope you had a lovely thanksgiving....


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